New England Weavers' Seminar: Open Studios
Friday, July 11, 4:30 pm - 5:30 pm
Classrooms will be open and the teachers will be available to answer questions or just chat. This is an opportunity for you to see what other workshops are all about. It will also provide an excellent opportunity for those of you who are in charge of your guild programs to get some ideas for future presentations.
O6: Weft Twining with a Twist
L2: Using Color to Create Pattern w/Turned Taquette
M2: Beyond Rep Weave
O4: A Scottish Weaving Sampler
L3: Six Structures, One Profile
L4: Ply Split Baskets
O5: Sashiko Ori
O3: There Must Be 50 Ways to Weave Your Color
H1: Speckled Pickup on Inkle Loom
H2: Spinning & Yoga
P1: Beginning Weaving
N1: Krokbragd: Dressed Up in Rags
L5: Color & Design in Huck Lace Towels
L1: Introduction to Tapestry Weaving
L6: Share the Wealth
O1: Navajo Weaving
L7: Weaving Enlightenment
K1: Doubleweave Sampler on a Rigid Heddle Loom
K2: Introduction to Bobbin Lace
Dawn Ahlert
Suzi Ballenger
Lucienne Coifman
Melissa Weaver Dunning
Chris Hammel
Rebecca Jensen
Beth Ross Johnson
Ruby Leslie
Annie MacHale
Gigi Matthews
Deanna Moore
Stephanie Morton
Rosalie Neilson
Linda Rhynard
Sarah Saulson
Marilou Schultz
Laurie Steger
Katie Strano
Carolyn Wetzel