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New England Weavers' Seminar: Member Guilds

Meets at the Kimball - Jenkins School of Art, Concord, NH, on the 3rd Wednesday of the month, from September to November and March to May, 10am–3pm.
Meets at the White River Craft Center at Kimball House, Randolph, VT, from 10am–3pm on the 2nd Saturday of the month from September to November and February to May.
The Weavers' Guild of Boston
Meets at the Congregational Church of Westborough MA, on the 2nd Wednesday of the month from September to November and February to May, 10am–3pm.
Also access Guild meetings via Zoom, after registering on our website:
Meets at 440 Tiffany Street, Springfield, MA, from 10am–3pm on the 1st or 2nd Saturday of the month from September to May.
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