New England Weavers' Seminar: Group Meetings
Complex Weavers
There will be a lunchtime meeting on Thursday July 10, 2025 from 12:15 pm to 1:30 pm in the Dining Commons.
This meeting has the sole purpose of allowing Complex Weavers to meet and answer questions about the group from interested "not yet" members - like, "what is a complex weave?" Some answers may surprise you. Members who are in Study Groups are encouraged to bring material demonstrating their study. Everyone is welcome.
Cross Country Weavers
Cross Country Weavers is a "by invitation only" group of 30 members who meet at various conferences to talk about the yearly exchange of samples and the planned subject for the next two years.
There will be a lunchtime meeting on Friday July 11, 2025 from 12:15 pm to 1:30 pm in the Dining Commons.
Samples are sent out during the month of March. Two traveling notebooks are prepared and sent out to a list of interested people and, at the end of their journey, one is sent to Clayton, NY for the library of the Weaving Museum and the other is sent to the University of Massachusetts for their library to be used by students.
Anyone who might like to join this group (name to be added to a waiting list) can attend this meeting to possibly see a couple of recent notebooks of samples.
There will be a lunchtime meeting on Saturday July 12, 2025 from 12:15 pm to 1:30 pm in the Dining Commons.
TWIST, Tablet Weavers' International Studies and Techniques, is a volunteer-run organization that promotes and supports tablet weaving around the world. TWIST helps tablet weavers improve and expand their skills through a journal, website, internet discussion group, sample exchanges, and informal gatherings at fiber arts conferences. TWIST has more than 350 members in over 25 countries. Initially formed at Convergence 1994 as a study group of Complex Weavers, the group soon struck out on its own. The eagerness of the founding members to communicate resulted in what became the TWIST Journal. The meeting is open to anyone interested in tablet/card weaving.